Monday, July 4, 2011

Business Ethics: All Of The Following Can Contribute To ...

1. All of the following can contribute to maintaining a productive work environment except:
a. Regularly make employees work overtime.
b. Managers should ensure employee equipment is ergonomically correct and functioning properly.
c. Managers should compliment employees on their work contributions.
d. Managers should address employees with poor workplace ethics instead of ignoring these counterproductive behaviors.

2. The career information an online career resource might provide:
a. The training and education needed
b. Earnings
c. Working conditions
d. All of the above.

3. A customer is at your workstation inquiring about one of your company?s products. Your phone begins to ring. What would be the best way to handle this situation?
a. Answer the phone and ask the customer at your workstation to wait until you handle your phone conversation.
b. Answer the phone and write down answers to the questions from the customer at your workstation on a slip of paper. Hand the paper to the customer at your workstation.
c. Give your full attention to the customer at your workstation. Let your voicemail answer the phone.
d. Ask the customer at your workstation to come back in a few minutes while you handle the phone call.

4. What would be the best approach to use to solve a problem you are experiencing with printing a document?
a. Call a computer repair specialist to solve your problem.
b. Follow the online instructions and consult your printer manual for assistance.
c. Save the file you wanted to print and go print the document somewhere else.
d. Turn off everything and try printing again later.

5. Consider the following scenario:
OCI workplace utilizes Microsoft Office products to conduct business in their workplace. Mary was asked to research and report to a group of 10 co-workers the importance of good keyboarding techniques as it relates to repetitive stress syndrome (RSI). Which of the following programs would be the best choice for presenting her findings? (Select only one.)
a. Microsoft Word is the best choice.
b. Microsoft PowerPoint is the best choice.
c. Microsoft Excel is the best choice.
d. Microsoft Access is the best choice.



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