Saturday, August 27, 2011

Long-Distance Relationship Day 1 ? idobelieveinfairiesidoido

I?m back. I will have more time again to write and I have tons to write about. :)

Yesterday afternoon my boyfriend left for Italy. From now on we?ll be living in a long-distance relationship.
797km are between us!?

I already chatted with him today, but then he had to work and I was home alone trying to stay busy. Then I got a mail from him saying:

I keep myself busy
with the things I do.
But every time I pause,
I still think of you.

That?s exactly how I am feeling! I?ve had a long breakfast with my parents, watched some episodes of Dr. House, cleaned my room, checked my mail, made lunch?. But I can?t get rid of those little breaks where I stop and think ?I wish he would be here right now!?. And actually, I don?t want to get rid of them. Why should I? I love him, so I like to think about him! It hurts, but that just means my love is real. I miss him, of course.

Thinking of the past months, I remembered a cartoon he sent me. It?s so cute. :) Ok, I will get myself busy again ? waiting for the next break to think about him.

Source image:?

Thank you for Dr. Seuss!With his books and wisdom he make my life so much richer.

?Don?t cry because it?s over. Smile because it happened.? ~ Dr. Seuss

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